08th to 10th June 2025 - Monarch Imperial, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Message from the Congress Chair
It is with great pleasure that I invite you as a participant for the 27th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians, scheduled to be showcased in June 2025.
In an era of predominantly online learning, we are organising a physical in-person academic extravaganza to offer you a unique opportunity to network with peers, to engage in insightful discussions, and share your experiences on the latest advances in knowledge in an academic camaraderie of excellence.
In keeping with the theme of the Congress, “Organise and Collaborate for Cost-Effective and Meaningful Care“, we will aim to enhance the understanding and mulling over of the basic principles in paediatric care, as well as improving skills, addressing knowledge gaps and providing insights into the most advanced concepts and novel approaches in paediatrics.
Pre-Congress workshops, numerous Plenary Lectures, Guest Lectures and Symposia, together with Original Research Presentations, will cater to a wide range of the healthcare community, from allied healthcare professionals, general practitioners, junior doctors to consultants.
In order to provide the best learning experience in the most convenient and cost-effective way, the conference will be held in one of the most spacious conference facilities with easy access from all corners of the country.
In addition to the learning experience, we have organised special tour packages for overseas delegates to explore and enjoy breathtaking landscapes, world renowned hospitality and a taste of the rich cultural heritage of Sri Lanka.
We extend this as a personal invitation to all of you who are engaged in the care of children, locally and internationally. Make this an opportunity to learn, meet friends, network with likeminded professionals, and explore the “Most Desirable Island in the World” as enunciated by Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards – 2024.
We look forward to most warmly welcoming all national and international delegates to our congress.
Dr, Duminda Samarasinghe
Congress Chair
27th Annual Scientific Congress 2025