Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians launched a new social project called ‘Teenalert’ in 2023, targeting the adolescent population between 11 to 19 years. The primary goal of the project is to empower adolescents to face problems that emerge during this challenging period of their lives.
In this program, several important topics including drug use among teenagers, sexual abuse, teenage pregnancies and impact of social media/ mass media on adolescent behavior will be addressed. SLCP is collaborating with other professionals such as Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists and Community Physicians to carry out the activities in the program. The Ministry of Education will provide the necessary support in organizing the activities.
The program will comprise lectures and workshops at selected schools, covering all the districts in the country. Students will be empowered with knowledge and skills needed to navigate through the turbulent adolescent years. Teachers will also be educated on handling relevant issues in these children.
SLCP is hoping to introduce a ‘Helpline’ for providing professional advice and guidance for adolescents for problems which they are reluctant to discuss with parents or teachers.
In addition to the school programs, SLCP will utilize electronic media, printed media and social media platforms to deliver the message to the intended audience.