Ethics Review Committee

Getting Started with Ethical Clearance

The ERC/SLCP will review all types of research proposals involving human studies related to children. The main objective of the Ethics Review Committee of the SLCP Ethics Review Committee is to maintain ethical standards of practice in research, including protecting children while considering the interests and needs of researchers and the integrity of SLCP.  

Who Can Apply?

Any Individual who is conducting any research related to children and perinatology is eligible to apply. (Animal studies not accepted)

How to Apply?

Submit the following documents via email to:

  1. Appropriately completed Application form
  2. Complete protocol
  3. Information sheet and consent forms (All three languages)
  4. Data collection forms/questionnaires (All three languages)

Decisions of the ERC concerning all applications discussed shall be conveyed via email to the principal investigator as soon as possible.

 ERC decisions should be in the form:

  • Approved
  • Pending subject to further information/clarification or
  • Rejected

The approval letter shall be in writing and shall contain the following information:

  • The title of the proposal
  • The name of the principal investigator(s)
  • The date of the ERC approval

What is the Processing Charge?


Contact Information

Dr. G.N. Lucas
Chairperson, Ethics Review Committee
SLCP Office
Tel: +94 777 508 218